Ideas » item rareity
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the_death_dealer: Wold it be possible to add a rarity in item description say common,uncommon,rare,epic,heirloom,legendary.heirloom bein piece items
11-07-09 13:56
the_death_dealer: and a type say jadetando is a weapon
11-07-09 13:57
vayne: the lvl requirements give you enough idea on rarety.. mabey a rating from 0-100 100 being rarest.. but i do think weapon/armor/shield would be worth adding.. i know most them now but certain pieces had me stumped lol
11-07-15 13:26
idiot_terror: Simple. Once you found unknown piece, check the library.
11-07-16 18:12
jecht: i cant see no item rarety in the library :/
11-07-26 16:54
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