Ideas » Partition Keeper into Vaults
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strider: WOW! Teeta i like this idea it is AWESOMELY COOL!! 8)
11-07-12 11:15
muttleyaxe: I like both ideas a whole lot. I have a full wharehouse and tons of items for diff things its a headache when i'm on my phone to get the items sometimes.
11-07-11 13:20
teeta: Good idea terror! A sort function would be great also. My problem is that gems and potions get mixed in with the gear items... Pieces kind of 'self sort' because they all start wit 'a piece of', so they don't get mixed in... Thanks for your input! :)
11-07-10 04:55
idiot_terror: or maybe simply "sort", so you don't need to divide your vault :)
11-07-09 21:11
teeta: Ok, here is what I propose... I know I'll be shot down in flames, but at least read it first.

I'd like to partition my keeper into 5 vaults. (50/250 is easily divisible by 5)

I mine a LOT and I hunt quite a bit, too. So I had a lot of very miscellaneous items in my keeper. Now, don't get me wrong here... I am not being ungrateful. I think that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread when dreamer alphabetized our keeper and our inventory...

But since the items are alphabetized, things get a little jumbled... User defined partitioned vaults would be awesome!

Here is how I'd partition my keeper:



Misc. Items that are good for completing a Task

Gear - for now and future levels


Anyway, it doesn't hurt to propose an idea and ask if we can have it in some future update. Thanks! :)
11-07-09 15:51
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