General » A Little More Balance
dreamer: I know that as well. The question is: what do you EXACTLY suggest?
11-07-12 11:17
deathdealer: i sugest the 7stat table i posted in bdv2>#chr it wold be hard to implement but worth it
11-07-12 11:25
deathwish: we need more spells and druid's weapon must have magical damage instead of physical damage.
11-07-12 11:32
the_death_dealer: that wold be nice aswell
11-07-12 11:46
ghostt: `Yeah,i agree w/ Lightning & the new monster is just for high ranks Not for all regular players:( we also need a-10-tion
11-07-12 12:03
muttleyaxe: I agree with lightning. I have druid and pally characters. I cant win a single pvp at any level 50 and above against a barb on any of my characters. I'm almost lvl 90 and diablo could kill me with one hit. Really? I'm not, at this point, sure what can be done to fix this issue. More effective spells would definitely help but I am not sure that will make enough of a difference to re-balance the class split.
11-07-12 13:40
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