General » A Little More Balance
11-07-12 11:06
northstar: i agree barbarians dominate this game it's unfair.
11-07-12 08:02
machete: i agree need to upgrade the stat table to 7 stats
11-07-12 07:24
lightning: In my opinion this game has begun to heavily favor barbarians . 1st it was made so they are virtually unbeatable in pvp . When a player that has a little over 400 damage does over 900 damage in 1 hit to a player with over 500 ac then its kinda overkill . Now we have monsters that only barbarians can win against . These monsters give stupid amounts of exp allowing barbarians to lvl extremely fast . Its taking the fun out of this game quick . I think something should be done to balance the classes a bit more evenly . Does any body else have an opinion on this subject ?
11-07-12 07:08
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