General » A Little More Balance
geas08: Maybe making 5 armor can block 4 damage. Then 500 armor can already block 400 damage of barbs.
11-08-02 05:44
deathdealer: yes and if u no wat spells there usin u can use prot from that element if ur 45+ to improve ur chances the extra 30% is very impresive and with much wis mor so
11-08-02 03:59
jecht: what i mean is they attack thru armor.. so a druid set up with 3 attacking spells in stead of stoneskin is gonna win in a druid v druid battle
11-08-02 02:39
visionear: pallys are a armor and ballance class and druid is a wis armor class
11-08-02 02:06
jecht: deyd still beat druids.. a druid would get owned off of druids set up to pvp dat way a pally to if hes built right.. only thing dat could work on is barbs.. since pallys an druids dont care about armor (depends on build) dey should beat you.. but you right 20% is enough if you take away despell.. still outs dem in front i think
11-08-02 01:34
deathdealer: 20% is enuff for stone skin and we want to balance barbs not mak them useless
11-08-02 00:47
bladsy: 1/4
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