General » Petition to bring server 3 back
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paly3: BRING THIS BACK!!!!!
11-08-03 02:00
chops: i say no!..server 3 wasnt all that. i do like server 2. i started late but that cuz im lazy. my real char stuck on server 1. and i dont like the wipeouts either!
11-08-03 03:29
smash: I say bring it back becuz u couldn't buy ur way to the top there it was all skill
11-08-04 05:57
sins-of-a-saint: skill? lol... didn't know there was that much skill involved .. maybe knowledge and a little luck perhaps. At least that's what allowed me to lead server #3 the majority of the time there as well.
Fact is though ... server #3 was boring as hell. An absolute ghost town at times.
11-08-04 06:13
decade6jahanam: what i know is. .server 2 is the only server that i can chose when regster into this game,mybe that the main reason y this serves had more player espcialy new and unexpirnce player like me. .hard to lvling in server 2 when always be chase by the same player. .get pk over n over again. .and the only monster that easy enough to gain fast level is stone n iron golem since they are lack of dex. .improve server 1 and 2,reach the limit. .then consider to open server 3. .make it harder and special server for blackdragon legends player. .
11-08-04 07:33
chaobbutz: make it 1 server only.
11-08-04 11:11
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