Ideas » Friend list
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strider: i have to scroll through rankings or online list to look for people i want to pm it would be cool if we had a friend list in the mail box under ignore and delete all msg it would be awesome what do yall think :)
11-07-13 10:46
invictus: This is a good idea strider. But it has been proposed before and dreamer hasn't implemented it. Maybe he will on the next update.
11-07-13 10:50
the_death_dealer: ive been wanting this for awile and alredy sugested to dreamer i will pm him bout this topic
11-07-13 10:58
strider: Cool i hope he makes it the next update that would rock!
11-07-13 11:03
strider: Also it would be cool if you could click on there name to friend them :) and it could say under the name if they are on or off line
11-07-13 11:17
fro: Best idea bro! i like
11-07-13 11:31
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