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blair-witch: Hi? Where could i download free Ebook in .txt format? pls for china phone users
12-06-03 17:46
cyclop: i Love funny & Horror books. like Hitchikerguild to galaxy & Thinner by stphin king :3 i want to know some? pls share
12-06-03 17:36
cyclop: i still cant move on to, A walk to remember. hehe I Thought its a comedy book. Damn! freaky. Lol (i regret i finish it)
12-06-03 17:28
idiot_terror: I was reading 'the serpent war saga' by Richard E. Feist but then I'm stucked on the book 3. I can't find a complete copy. The one I found is missing the almost the first 70 pagest :(
12-04-01 16:52
idiot_terror: Just done reading 'The Lost Hero' :)
12-04-01 16:33
shirako123: My phone read ebooks more i like normal Books,im reading the Kingslayes Chronicles The Wiseman Fear after ll read A dance wit dragons.
12-03-31 21:02
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