sins-of-a-saint: I honestly feel it is not so much the layout as the phone browser as well. I literally have 7 differnt browsers on my one phone.
all of them I have gotten for different purposes.. one works best for this game.. one for facebook.. etc.
Each one gives an entirely differnt layout for this game
One of them is awesome!
most of them are eh... ok
and a couple of them I would never play this game again had I not experienced previous browsers because the game is almost impossible to play on a couple of browsers I have found.
11-07-23 19:31
e-40: I liked the old way. I have a huge screen anyway. Can you make so we have to option to change it back to the old way.
11-07-23 19:43
e-40: Also, why the sudden change? I've never heard of anyone complaining about the layout. Seems like an update just for the sake of updating.
11-07-23 20:18
remwalker: I agree with fear action above map ok but arrows below is better.
11-07-23 20:21
the_death_dealer: i like it but wold like to see an option to do away with the arrows i only use keypad so they take up to much space
11-07-23 21:53
mamenss23: I like the old one its better to me..
11-07-23 23:13
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