valador: In my opinion the layout is in the middle of where id like the top id like to see my stats on a minimal scale to let me know my stats and id like to know who is there with me.the arrows since they are number friendly should stay below the can be made to see who is there and your health n mana in the bar that says where you are and who is there above the map.the most important things i see are who there and your stats.then the map then the arrows
11-07-23 23:50
hellfir3: I like the old way too..
11-07-23 23:14
mamenss23: I like the old one its better to me..
11-07-23 23:13
the_death_dealer: i like it but wold like to see an option to do away with the arrows i only use keypad so they take up to much space
11-07-23 21:53
remwalker: I agree with fear action above map ok but arrows below is better.
11-07-23 20:21
e-40: Also, why the sudden change? I've never heard of anyone complaining about the layout. Seems like an update just for the sake of updating.
11-07-23 20:18