Ideas » possible credit features
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strider: This is the DUMBEST! idea i have EVER heard -bad- this will send a bad message to kids SMH!
11-07-25 03:06
the_death_dealer: -rofl-
11-07-25 03:47
sins-of-a-saint: I see the need for a sarcasm font here... obviously some people lack the ability to take a joke... if you can't read into sarcasm and find the hunor in it ...smoke some weed. Everything is funny with THC...lmao
11-07-25 04:12
the_death_dealer: i perfer the gravity bong
11-07-26 00:50
muttleyaxe: I dont agree with the drug theme but the concept is good.
Do we really want a 'mafia wars' type items in a fantasy rpg game. Why bring the real world here?
11-07-26 01:49
lzrdking: Let any phone company get a look at the drug thing and u wont have this game available . Dope wars is one thing but to even joke about adding that to an existing game that kids play dumb real dumb
11-07-26 05:40
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