11-07-29 04:28

Can it just be coded such that duplicate pets do not show up.?
looking at what the breeder has now.. I see 3 boars... 2 crocodiles ... 2 battle bears... 3 tigers .. and 4 wolves.
That in itself is 12 slots that really only need 5.
seems there would be a ore likely chance to get the pet you want (not just mystic dragon) if there were not so many duplicates.
by the way... still have not seen the mystic dragon... maybe that's why its called mystic. but man an entire day wasted now and still no dragon ...wayyyyy to boring.
11-07-28 20:33

Don't waste credits on frenzy because you will be staring at wolves and boars for hours on end wishing you would not have blown 10 credits on frenzy...lol
11-07-28 14:48

11-07-28 14:43

I have refreshed the breeder for about 8 hours now and now mystic dragon
11-07-28 13:55