Ideas » Idea to increase player activity and engagement
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deathdealer: nope its about the players and 90% of them want pvp if u dont like pvp stay in town xD
11-07-29 08:54
sins-of-a-saint: sepsis... as deathdealer said. Many people on here want a more intense pvp. To be quite honest pvp might be your thing to.. perhaps you need to release your inner mischievous self.
After all, you sure did do a good job off attacking me on this thread. Had you read the entire thread you would see it was not originally about pvp. Chops brought that up :P
11-07-29 21:02
chops: i brought up pvp subject sepsis. thread title is idea to increase player activity. engagement. bring new peaple into the game really. Black dragon is a pvp game, player vs player. you cant play a pvp game and expect to go from town to town eating oreos, sipping milk and waving hello to everyone! if you dont want to battle then you shouldnt be playing pvp type game! its just that simple. Dreamer want more players. then beef up the pvp. get the blood pumping. excitement is key. ive known players who stop playing becouse the pvp was weak at best. one server. full pvp hardcore and you see more activity. new players.
11-07-30 00:50
chops: the bounty idea. i dont like it. played gamer with bounty and wasnt all that. shade had bounty at one time. that one wasnt bad. and you had to hunt your target. you couldnt look at log on list and find where there at. you had to walk or run around or pm peaple asking if thay seen your target. black dragon. you look at log on list. find the target and the teleport to where thay are. simple easy as pie. wow excitement! i dont think so
11-07-30 01:00
chops: so bottom line. lets take the gloves off and get into the ring. cut down the long wait between attks. Yawn. and lets get it on.
11-07-30 01:08
the_death_dealer: I woldint use "get it on" but i agree but wold like to see longer battles more say 6 hits instead of 3
11-07-30 01:11
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