Ideas » Idea to increase player activity and engagement
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chops: paly3 i dont see any reason for you to get into it. also no nead to put down the way he types either. i think it best if we all just try to get along.
11-08-03 03:48
paly3: Jecht u sir are an absolute moron always starting arguments from what I can see and half the time I can't even understand wtf ur trying to say becuz u type like this : ya u dik the magpie to dat u pop up laffin at me lik.... wtf??? Learn to speak clearly
11-08-03 00:56
chops: becarefull. censorship isnt cool. let the peaple speak.
11-08-02 05:44
jecht: well the last post i made which is still visable has no more or less cursin than any other you have deleted.. can you not see what winds people up
11-08-02 03:35
deathdealer: extensive use of cursing is banable i am leaving this argument alone i dont hav time for childish games drop the arguement
11-08-02 03:30
jecht: so what you here defending it for.. youcrules says lmao is accepted.. other words and there abrievatied forms are not allowed it states clearly that ass is allowed in chat and forums since lmao is also accepted
11-08-02 02:43
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