Ideas » Idea to increase player activity and engagement
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chops: quiet sepsis. bet in shade you stayed in chat. peeking out the door to see if the boogie was waitting outside.
11-07-30 18:15
chops: lol. B00!
11-07-30 18:15
chops: also sepsis. sins and death have good ideas. like my good old mother used to say. if ya got nothing good to add say nothing. its best to say nothing and be thought the fool than to open your mouth and remove all dought. dnt you agree
11-07-30 18:29
sins-of-a-saint: and how many people have I pkd sespsis???
care to take a guess?
Hell I don't even attack people. I just like the thrill of knowing I might be attacked.
Just goes to show what presumptious person you are that like to TRY to use words to attack people..
and guess what???
you lost.
11-07-30 22:29
sepsis: Oh, I see. I "lost" because you say I lost... Gotcha! ;D
11-07-30 23:06
chops: ill admit it. ive pkd in black dragon. shade .few other pvp game. smh, i have to say. I love every secound of it. lol thats part of the player vs player game! loved shade pk! your victom would drop into a pile of bones! whoo hoo....
11-07-30 23:42
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