Ideas » Idea to increase player activity and engagement
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sepsis: I even more ideas if you're truly interested sins. :)
11-07-30 16:33
sepsis: "I just like to hunt monsters." There, I said it. Now I will attack your ideas again. You profess to be bored because you claim the game is too easy, yet every idea you propose makes it far too easy for you to pk people. You claim they lose nothing but a little ego, then go on to try to find a way to make it rewarding to be a pker. Where is the balance? In your proposals it is tipped all the way over in favor of pkers. Here is my proposal: You wanna be a big bad pker? Put some risk factors in for the aggressor. Give the advantage to the person being attacked. Cut the rewards. It's all just masturbatory fantasies of power anyway and that should be its own reward. Have gladiatorial contests with laurel wreaths as prizes... Have a ranking system so you can have your name up in lights.
11-07-30 16:31
sins-of-a-saint: well sepsis.. I never said your not allowed to voice your opinion.. but you shouldknow if you're going to quote me and attack my thoughts I will do the same. In fact every reason you gave for not wanting pvp was something against what another person said.
Not once did you say " I just like to hunt monsters. "
" the balance between player classes needs to be fixed before we even think about pvp "
both of those would be genuine and valid arguements.
What did you do?
You came out fighting like a wild rabid dog with p.m.s.
I mean do I need to go back and quote you when you listed all the reasons why I want more pvp.. to pad my ego or whatever.
In fact you never gave a valid argument against pvp in my opinion. You only bitched about my reasons.
11-07-30 15:12
deathdealer: lmao bring it on? I alredy pwned u once -rofl-
11-07-30 10:22
sepsis: Ah, Sins... I get it... I'm allowed to voice my opinion, as long as it concurs with yours, huh?

You can treat me like a piece of meat to be hunted at whomever's leisure and I'm not allowed to voice my distaste either, huh?

As for your little TOADY, cobracon, aka/dd... bring it on little man.
11-07-30 09:35
cobracon: its alright sins she gona learn pvp real well
11-07-30 08:39
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