1. If wisdom had no affect it would take away from any sort of character development of a barbarian. It would be straight forward.. all dex and strength. Pretty mindless in my opinion.
2. There would be no reward in obtaining items such as ultimate rings. With the new spell protection, it would only make sense that at barbarian shouls then only equip one ultimate ring and then perhaps a shiny night dragon ring, because the wisdom would have no factor.
3. Wisdom does not make that much of a difference. It takes 5 wisdom to increase frenzy 1%. Thus if I removed a level 5 saphire and replaced it with a ruby. I would get 1% increase in frenzy.. but would take a net loss in total dex.
If there were a huge difference I could agree, but there is not.
4. Spells do not miss, weapons do, thus spell casters have an advantage in that aspect that barbarians do not. If one advantage were to be taken away then both should and I certainly do not believe anyone would agree to that.
11-08-02 10:15

11-08-02 10:24

11-08-02 10:26

11-08-02 15:09