dreamer: chaobbutz, let's see how everyone deals with this at first.
11-08-02 10:02
chaobbutz: This update was not fair enough. Why? Level 80 Barb can still dominate us using Bloodlust... 10% bonus attack damage is imba.. Try to look at other char.. Like paladin & necro..
11-08-02 09:48
sins-of-a-saint: seems fair enough, and will surely provide more of a challenge on monsters as well.
11-08-02 09:40
dreamer: As all of you remember, most of the chars had extremely spell protections. Thus, barbs were ruling the PvP and druids were almost useless. This was adjusted and let's see how it all works now.
Now protections gained from items DO NOT SUM UP and only the highest received protection is activated. Please post your feedback here.
11-08-02 09:35