Announcements » Confirmed prizes of server #2
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dreamer: Hi there!

As you've probably noticed, there's a Crystal Dragon in the Battle Arena at the moment. Rust Dragon was already killed. Three more dragons to go: Faerie Dragon, Azure Dragon & the almighty Black Dragon. Once all these dragons are killed, there'll be a transition period of few days, and then all players will be transferred from server #2 to server #1.

Here are the prizes:
* Diablo class (goes to the killer of Black Dragon);
* Top 10 users by level will receive UNIQUE items which don't appear in server #1;
* Top 20 users by level will receive credits.

The items & amounts of credits aren't clear yet but at least you might see if you'll get it or no. ;]

Please note that those ultra-strong dragons have legendary drops as well (check my gear).

Finally, in case you forgot, all items/stats/spells/etc will be transferred with you. Server #2 will be restarted and anyone who wants to compete, will be able to do that again.
11-08-04 17:25
cakkaa: nice
11-08-04 17:27
kingly: Wow crystal dragon is very hard. . one hit im dead hehehehehe
11-08-04 17:33
atifbarqil: very hard
11-08-04 17:37
yotnat: Lol i. Dnt undrstand. . . waz. Nice. Bt. Datz for server 2 0nly. Were already. M0ve. Fr0m. Server 2 . . To 1 . ..
11-08-04 17:44
e-40: Lmao, only people who can damage it are sins, and maybe puji.
11-08-04 17:45
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