Ideas » public trading
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strider: This would be a good idea becouse some times i have to walk a long way to do a trade this idea would be awesome for different sides of the world too becouse there not allways online at the same time
11-08-16 13:53
nyx: I suppose it could be a separate place law. The Marketplace is for selling items for gold or credits. The Bazaar would be a place for trading items. It would make trading much simpler, in my opinion. You wouldn't have to meet another character in the same land, at the same time...
11-08-16 13:47
l-lawliet-l: then bazaar will be a different section?
11-08-16 02:53
nyx: I don't think dreamer will do it, but it would be cool if we had a place where we could offer a specific sort of trade and it is automated like the MP. Instead of inputting a gold or credit price, you input what item you want in trade for your item. If somebody has what you need and they want the item you have offered in trade, then they complete the trade. If nobody wants your trade offer, it will be returned to you in 24 hours. You could call the place the Bazaar. People wouldn't have to be in the same land or logged on at the same time to be able to trade items.
11-08-13 08:39
chops: There is a trading. Genral forums under offical trading thread.
11-08-07 15:39
fd-god: There should be a public trading area where you put one item in and ask for another... Eg mana amulet for health ring
11-08-07 15:11
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