Ideas » full rejuve potions WHY THE HELL MAKE THEM SO HARD TO BUY
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sepsis: It's the small annoyances that erode player interest and loyalty.
11-08-11 02:11
sins-of-a-saint: I whole heartedly agree to that.
11-08-10 18:35
lzrdking: Im just saying the little things like not being able to get the potions u need are what in the long term burns ppl out and they slowly quit playing.
11-08-10 17:07
sins-of-a-saint: eh.. I say give us a level 80 town that sells supreme potions that heal for 1000
doesn't really matter to me though.
I rarely drink pots anyway
11-08-10 01:08
idiot_terror: We can have a campagne then, a separate shop for rejuvenation potion and full rejuvenation potion in kreegan and necropolis city BUT with a higher gold price.
30000 for rejuvenation and 100000 for full rejuvenation potions. That somehow make my golds very useful lol
11-08-09 20:31
e-40: You want some cheese with that whine.
11-08-09 07:09
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