Ideas » gold mp/cr. mp
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420friendy: today i had a friend come to me and say i should start a topic with a idea he had so here it goes.

there should be some sort seperation in the gold and cr. mp. here is where my idea comes to mind. 1. under settings there could be a market place view option. under that we could have 12 different views that i can think of. here they r. for those of us that cant aford the cr. gold price down, gold price up, gold time left down, gold time left up. then for those of u that can do cr. there would be 2 list for u. cr. price down, cr. price up, cr. time left down, cr. time left up. and the othe list would be both cr and gold price down, price up, time left down, time left up.

hope u guys can see what i mean. and like the idea. dreamer if u could let me know what u think and i need to talk to u cuz i do have some game development college exp. :)
11-08-10 01:19
420friendy: idea started from decade6jahanam
11-08-10 01:21
420friendy: idea 2 to access this would be have a drop bar in the mp with all those options
11-08-10 01:23
decade6jahanam: yup2.when we can chose between cr n gold,we can save lot of time to survey n searching for item that we want. . .nowdays most of the item in market are sell in cr. .item that sell with gold are limited. . .had a player that sell gems level 1 for cr. .if he sell ten pieces lvl1 gems for cr,how mane page that we need to click next for skiping that thing. .someone should monitor item that have been sell in market. .gold seem like no value in the market. . .*thanks 420friendy coz make a topic for this.
11-08-10 01:31
sepsis: This idea won't be implemented... it's too sensible. Heaven forbid anything being sensible in this game.
11-08-10 01:49
decade6jahanam: LOLz.hahahaha.really.eeerr. .less sensible mybe.
11-08-10 02:14
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