Ideas » special days
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fd-god: There should be days like:
*Double exp day
*Double loot day
*Double gold day
*Double stamina recovery rate day
*Double craft speed rate day
*Hardcore day (no timeout after a pvp)
*Double armor day
*nPVP day (no PVP)
People should vote with credits every day for what they want and the day with the highest number of credits should win (there should be a cooldown after each day has been done)
11-08-11 02:19
sepsis: The vast majority of players in this game have no credits.
11-08-11 02:47
fd-god: Yeah and that's what might nake then want to buy them :D
11-08-11 10:40
fd-god: And I used to play a online game on a pc and that was working really well for them
11-08-11 17:25
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