graychell: oh no stronger spells for barbs. Barbs still dominate this game forever.
11-08-13 16:37
kingpin: Im ready.. Ready for new challange and like the part were we get a random item from a pvp .. Also the quest monsters arent so
11-08-13 18:10
olivermax: paladin, druid and necro hav spells for barbs... like stoneskin and weaknesses....

weakness is great i think...
11-08-14 00:52
clint: Hmmm. . . I wish endurance can increase def by 1 per lvl. . .
11-08-14 01:32
papa_smurf: Is thete an estimated time frame for us top 10ers from last round to get our prizes?
11-08-14 06:35
kingpin: And yes i aggree barbs need a new spell... 1 spell for extra power... But a strong druid or pally that are smart and got master frost ring.. That iz a good spell plus the get a hit.. We just get few exta% to get more strntght.. If barb get anoder spell i would say something like a majic element % blocker... Same as bloodlust... But a def mechanisim from the power of spells... Sounds good to
11-08-14 07:27