papa_smurf: Is thete an estimated time frame for us top 10ers from last round to get our prizes?
11-08-14 06:35
clint: Hmmm. . . I wish endurance can increase def by 1 per lvl. . .
11-08-14 01:32
olivermax: paladin, druid and necro hav spells for barbs... like stoneskin and weaknesses....

weakness is great i think...
11-08-14 00:52
kingpin: Im ready.. Ready for new challange and like the part were we get a random item from a pvp .. Also the quest monsters arent so
11-08-13 18:10
graychell: oh no stronger spells for barbs. Barbs still dominate this game forever.
11-08-13 16:37
stajer_: Players - what you think about getting stamina regen back to 10 in 5min? That is a competinion server and if regen would be lower then there would appear more player's that would compete couse not everybody has time to go to game each 20 or 40 minutes.
11-08-13 15:42