Ideas » stam regain in %
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teeta: What the heck is idiot saying???!
11-08-17 10:02
idiot_terror: Read the first post again and you'll know. -duh- :D
11-08-17 18:45
teeta: That post is about as clear as mud. Duh...
11-08-17 22:40
sins-of-a-saint: never knew mud was clear...
a low level with 100 max stamina would get 10 stamina every 5 minutes ... if stamina regeneration were based on PERCENTAGE
a high level player with 300 max stamina would get 30 stamina every 5 minutes ... if based on PERCENTAGE

so tell me.. is percentage gain fair?

should a high level player get higher stamina regeneration? ???

seemed pretty clear to me.
11-08-18 06:44
sins-of-a-saint: sorry.. meant to add one last thing to the end of my post ...

11-08-18 06:46
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