Ideas » New kind of task(improved)
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knight01: Or for example: kill 100 war unicorn in 1 week. For instance, any rank, even basic to ace will be counted. Maybe also make easy, medium and hard.
12-06-28 16:14
paladin08: If this idea would be implemented, i wish that there would be a lvl required. Maybe lvl 40 or even higher coz i think some would create multiple accounts to complete a single task. And i wish that it will only be counted on task if you defeated the one in your lvl bracket (40-49, 50-59 etc.).
12-02-08 13:54
armor: Maybe, if you attack player you have already defeated, it must not be counted. If 5 druid is in your task, 5 different druid players must be defeated to complete the task.
11-08-21 14:48
perseus04: isn't killing other player is easy? ,they would just create multi character.
11-08-21 09:31
armor: I have already post this. I would only like to add some ideas. This new kind of task is to kill a certain number of units. There would be 2 kinds of task. The first kind is killing monsters with corresponding ranks. For example: kill 5 ace war unicorn in 1 day. The other kind is defeating other players. For example: defeat 5 druids in 1 day. Rewards must vary. Maybe jewels, titled items, gold or exp.
11-08-21 05:50
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