gravityreaper99: make trading from different lands allowable. in fact make a city dedicated to buyong selling and trading items. you should be able to take out loans from the bank. make reviving and leveling up pets easier. more pets. if you defeat a monster it might want to join your team like in pokemon mystery dungeon. dont make necromancer look like a pedophile with a cythe. make him boss looking, or at least customizable. there should be a physical map that you could look at to see where you are going. give more colors for the website interface. there should be power moves that kill all monsters in the area. more spells. teleport anywhere that you have been before. stamina is only used in battle.
14-03-24 01:27
gravityreaper99: their should be something like a hole that goes throught the underworld and into earth core, where high lv monsters and fire elementals live. this hole would be located on the other side of the endless sea. but you can only find the location or get to it if you beat the black dragon a certain number of times or in a certain way. then he will give you permission. when you get to the world core there will be several levels to the botom. each level is a new land and is harder than the last. each land tests a different stat. the underworld would be locatedjust above earth core. if you pass a certain level of requirements you will be able to first visit the nightmare zone, where rare and powerful items are dropped and a lot of gold and xp. then you can go to the dream zone, where you create your oqn empire with your clan. you will have a naval fleet, and land fleet. you will have a customizable castle that can be attacked by other clans and kingdoms. also you will be periodically attacked by a powerful mythic monster at random depending on the season. also you would be able to interbreed monsters to create mutant monsters with high stats. same for pets. and there should be one day out of the year at random where tons of gold and xp is dropped by monstrs. also you should be able to gt credits wothout having to buy it in real life. make a server #4 where 1-3 are all combined. make necromancer not require credits. make death angel unlockable at lv 100 no credits. same for diablo. custom characters icons, everybody looks the same lol. no city restrictions. example: im paladin and i want to go to the main druid city. i would be allowed to. cities can be raided. stamina should only be usable in battle. there should be no limits to the amount of items you can carry. make crafting items easier. make a crafting guide. always allow pvp.
hope you like my ideas, im still coming up with more.
14-03-24 01:19
dark-light: This suggestion would affect the Map/Item/Monster. A new item or gear, and new monsters by making a new map (sea). An ocean type map, in which we can sail the sea's and explore new different lands (islands with requirement level) and new different monsters. Which you can battle with, like sea serpents and a kraken. But in order to explore the sea's theres a requirement: a boat (boat with limits of exploration, has the risk of getting destroyed by monsters if the character dies) and a crew (certain (different) crew which can affect the statistics of the boat (ship). The boats (different kind of ships) has weapons (upgradable) or (purchased), The ship acts as a boost (adds damage or etc like +50-60 damage). And then the port would be found on different lands (Oasis Port or Shipyard) which we can buy the ships atleast level 50 to enter and buy. Each ship requires different level, and a crew (different crew adds different stats. Then each mob,drops gear that can be used (add attributes) for ship, crew and character. Then an ultimate dragon would be a Black Sea Serpent Dragon. I hope you find it interesting and be implent it soon
14-03-21 08:13
redcorpse: Characters Catching Disease/Plague In Certain Maps To Spice Up The Game .. Some Boost Small Amount Of Stats , Some Decrease Them .. And Only For A Certain Period .. Or Create A Season For Them ..
14-03-12 23:15
nrv: yeah a sea would be nice.between s1&s2.people can sail from s2 to s1 if they wish to quit but not the reverse
14-03-06 11:19
flesh_eater: Maybe a map called endless sea that leads to another island called wonder world. This new map will have cooler mobs and new towns too. Hope u like it.
14-02-26 11:16