Ideas » Map/Item/Monster suggestions
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firesage: Death to the King:
Str +200
Dex +50


A epic sword that kills dat King
13-07-08 00:23
vercingetorix: Ancient behemoth's Shaman's station:
Legendary item
Damage: 200-450
Armor: +950
Stamina: +50
Strenth: +100
Dexterity: +150
Endurance: +200
Wisdom: +250
Life leech: 15%
Class: Barbarian
Level: 95
Strength: 500
Dexterity: 500
Wisdom: 500
13-07-13 18:35
r3apper: gold mines ,please
13-07-22 23:14
-p4nzer-: How about make legendary set and give effect +str 50% etc when someone can wearing all gear from that set
Warlord set
For 5 gear ....Warlord, 2 W ring : +str15%

For 7 gear : +str 35%

For 8 gear(full set warlord) : +str 50

And for different set can add wis,dex,armor etc
13-07-23 17:40
basedrop1337: there should be an item called "The Legendary Staff of the Black Dragon" and you get one after reaching level 90.
13-07-29 04:54
kaos: how about two new towns near the unicorns area and the champions? (sorry i dont have any names for the towns...)
13-07-31 21:35
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