keenan: pet dragon or liger
13-06-09 22:47
keenan: what zombie versions of monsters
13-06-09 22:46
-krixus-: Legendary gear for below level 60. In between lvl 25 and 50 there is nothing but monster titles to help your gear advance even a tiny bit. Be good to see new lvl 40 and 50 gear especially.
13-05-24 13:42
thejunim: white dragon,will be the worse enemy of black dragon.2 gigantics power in the world
13-05-20 20:15
hardinero: Replaced mobs every midnight. High level players leave high rank mobs in a certain map so the weaker players can’t attack it.
13-05-15 21:46
thejunim: kratos quest for lvl 80+
13-04-27 00:20