dark_balthazar: New area : Sanctuary of Sins . Requirments : Level 70 . Units : Dark Angel . Damage : 350-500 . Dexterity : 150 . Armor : 400 . Prot. from Fire (45%) , Prot. from Earth (75%) , Prot. from Water (50%) , Prot. from Air (15%)
14-06-10 12:57
zanderq: You can drink multiple Potions at once when you are very low on Health,Mana or Stamina so that you don't want to click on the same potion the whole time until you're Health,Mana or Stamina is full.
14-07-11 12:30
_4rd1_: new item@ super stamina potion: 150-200 stamina
14-07-11 14:45
_4rd1_: new item@ super
stamina potion: 200
stamina, for get item you must won today 750 or 1000
14-07-11 14:47