Ideas » Map/Item/Monster suggestions
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elf-great: dreamer, , add more legend set for lv 60, ,
15-06-04 18:46
_haryako_: New level 80 Weapon

Damage: 150-225
Armor: 120
Dexterity: 150
Strength: 150
Wisdom: 50
Prot Earth: 90%

Strength: 300
Wisdom: 150
Dexterirty: 250
Endurance: 125
16-02-06 06:10
moekids: add teleport 10c/day.House (change)
House (teleport)
16-05-14 18:56
_haryako_: add "chimera" for monster lvl 65+ ;)
16-08-06 05:21
link567: We have Crusaders, so why not add Bishops and Arch Bishops to it? I have ideas for their stats:

Bishop Tier 0:
Level 100
Health 3,672 (or 3,956)
Dexterity 90
Wisdom 250 (or 300)
Damage 130-270

Spell set:

Magic Scroll:
+100 Mana
+10 Wisdom
+5 Endurance
+20 Dexterity

Used on: Rings, Amulets and Shieds.

(Archbishop next post)
16-09-25 07:17
link567: Archbishop Tier 0:
Hp 4,234
Level 120
Dexterity 125
Wisdom 305 (or 325)
Damage 150-300
Armour 300 (Bishop's Armour is 250 btw)

Spell Set is same as Bishop's.

Magic scroll:
+300 Mana
+30 Wisdom
+15 Endurance
+60 Dexterity

Can be put on rings, amulets and shields.

Can be gotten by combining 3 Bishop items.

Also add a new area on the Paladin's side called Church level 1 and 2. Level 1 has only bishops, level 2 has archbishops in it with the bishops.
16-09-25 07:25
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