Ideas » Map/Item/Monster suggestions
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davidtce: Maybie a steampunk era map?
17-09-07 09:12
coolwater: Maybe an event with a dungeon? It could be story driven, and other ideas are make it clan based. Like Orkis the great orc has summoned an army of blah blah blah and even put mini quests for noobs?
utilize clan jobs some way in it?
18-04-17 06:25
alpha_omega: i want to update a new monster called big foot
18-06-27 07:55
mikoli: new item ring of taras give 10000 hp and 100endurance
18-12-11 06:49
godian_mage: New monster idea
Loch Ness
Dexterity: (2050)
Wisdom: (2500)
Damage: (2350-3300)
Armor: (3500)
Health: 650,000
Prot. from Air: 25%
Prot. from Water: 75%
Prot. from Earth: 50%
Prot. from Fire: 25%
19-02-08 08:24
godian_mage: Legendary item, weapon
Mjolnir, aka Thors Hammer
Damage: 250-375
19-02-09 07:02
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