Ideas » Map/Item/Monster suggestions
riokisna3: Archdruid's Magic Staff. Damage: 90-110 Mana: +500 Wis: +30 Str: +10 Dex: +20. Req: Lv 80, Wis:150 Dex:100
12-02-29 10:27
riokisna3: Monster Suggest: Dark Knight. Rank: Basic (0), Level: 100, Attack: 250-350, Dex: 150, Armor: 450, Health: 2500/2500 Prot. From Earth 30%.
12-03-02 11:00
lucifer789: Monster : Lucifer the devil rank basic (0) level 560 demage 500-1000 protekcion from fire 100%
12-03-05 03:10
nymeria: Dwarfs armor:

Armor: 111
Damage: 11
Endurance: 22
Dexterity: 22
Strenght: 22
Wisdom: 22
Pro from Earth: 33%

Recipe: Dwarfs and Dwarfs Leather armor.
12-03-15 21:59
ciege7: A Diablo casino above the battle arena, uses a staircase, where you gamble with dracoin reward pts earned from ad clicks for chances at timer-based stat boosters, timer-based super items, maybe a shop on the side where you buy special, limited edition spells you can buy having saved enough dracoins... just ideas. Id waste mine at the slots and blackjack table to earn +def pts. -lol-
12-03-15 23:06
ciege7: *Monster: Rabid Squirrel Rank Basic 0 Lvl 5 Dext 15 Atk 5 - 15 Armor 10 Health 60 Potential Drop: Pelt Armor/Fur Boots
*Item: Pelt Armor +10 Armor, value: 10 gold Req. Lvl 5
*Item: Fur Boots +15 stamina, +2 armor, +1 endurance, value: 20 gold, Req. Lvl 5
12-03-17 10:22
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