14-12-29 22:26

Monk's shaman staff
Jewel of wisdom (V)
Gods of death
Legendary item
Damage: +500-1200
Health: +1500
Mana: +1000
Strenght: +120
Dexterity: +150
Endurance: +110
Wisdom: +500
Prot. from Air: 60%
Prot. from Water: 50%
Prot. from Earth: 70%
Prot. from Fire: 50%
Life leech: 30%
Class: Druid
Level: 100
Strenght: 500
Dexterity: 750
Endurance: 500
Wisdom: 2000
14-12-24 08:01

The big castle if u want occupiect castle fynn complet the quest go home and figh 100 monster undead hydra or hell ghoul or devil king hmm or ogre king who kill that monster quest u come to castle fynn and give pass u will get pass if u kill 100 monster strong and how to u dreamer i hope u agree and time to advancer to occupiec the castle Fynn

14-12-07 22:12


I hope u agree that new monster and mary X-mas

14-12-07 20:22