Ideas » Spell ideas
kiros: holy.. none elemental magic attack for lvl60+ adds 300 to wisdom costs 1000 mana requires at least 200 wis to learn and use so equiping high wis items to learn it then removing them will rener it useless
11-09-04 18:19
kiros: death.. % chance of hitting causes instant death hit% increased at every 5wis +1% starting 20% only usable in one round
11-09-04 18:25
kiros: mana blast.. attacks enemy for 20% of current mana non elemental and uses all mana you have also.. so 2000 mana = 400dam.. for obvious reasons this is a one round only spell also
11-09-04 18:30
bahamut: how about earthquake spell 55% chance of killing both the ememy and yourself unless float spell has already been used by either player. make earthquake lvl45 and float lvl60 so its risky to use it at a low lvl
11-09-07 16:31
bahamut: Magic Barrier. only for druids. reduce magic damage
11-09-07 16:33
ghostt: (Stone Crusher) - reduces/decreases armor from enemy. 14% . requirement: Level (45) Wisdom: (14) class: (Barbarian) :S
11-09-07 18:28
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