Ideas » Spell ideas
Read from beginning
-p4nzer-: Guard Of Hades
Value : 20%
Mana : 12
Wisdom : 40
Class : barbar
Lvl : 75

About spell : reduce wisdom and value(%) spell from enemy
13-07-16 08:58
-p4nzer-: Sorry i will repost

Protection Of Gods
Value :10%
Mana : 35
Requirment : druid,necro,paladin
Wisdom : 60
Lvl : 75

About spell : reduce physical damage 25% & increase you armor (persentase same value) from physical damage
Example : physical damage 1000 reduce 25% + increase armor 10% from physical damage
13-07-16 08:53
-p4nzer-: Protection Of Gods
Value :10%
Mana : 35
Requirment : druid,necro,paladin
Wisdom : 60
Lvl : 75

About spell : reduce physical damage 25% & increase you armor (persentase same value) from physical damage
Example : physical damage 1000 reduce 25% increase armor 50% from physical damage
13-07-16 08:51
-p4nzer-: Rage mode
Value : 10%
Mana : 35
Class : necromancers
Wisdom : 50
Lvl : 60

About spell : you can ignoring armor you enemy and increase critical damage
13-07-16 08:40
wiro_sableng: Broken Armor is reduce enemy armor..
13-07-03 07:34
wiro_sableng: Fire Storm
class : Fire
demage : (120-160)
mana required : 60
Requirements :
class : Necromancer
wisdom : 150
level : 80

Broken Armor
value : 10%
mana required : 20
Requitments :
class : Necromancer
wisdom : 100
level : 80

it's spell in : Deyja City
13-07-03 07:32
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