garthog: A spell for pally : spell of damage which increases the damage done for opponent and have a chance of healing himself through that damage. Like xeria's would be gud for it
15-01-23 23:42
dark_blazer: Mr.Admin Replace frenzy into barb port or bracada, coz dex is really important for barb we dont have damaging spells, so our hope is frenzy for dex n dam! We have a lot of dis-advantage.. n make Whirlwinds for lvl 60, we didnt ned that spell if we dont hav a big dam to double
15-02-13 12:04
dark_blazer: Assasin: Make new "BUFFING" spell no element class i think wraithstrike is weak type as a EARTH type buffing spell, if the opponents have 100% protection from earth wraithstrike bcme useless
My idea:
Fatal Hit: Dex and str/dam +100%
Rampage: Increase Armor and Damage [200%] or its depends on wis of user, ur choose.
15-02-18 18:54
gunawan: God of war
doubling physical damage and dexterity
Mana required: 250
Class: Druid
Level: 90
Wisdom: 1000
15-02-22 01:15
synthesis: pet of god.!
Summon pet from other world
Mana required: 50 Requirements:
Class: Druid
Wisdom: 50
15-02-27 08:18
0gre: make spell for pet
15-03-18 12:10