Ideas » Spell ideas
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bahamut: Temper

makes blows by weapons unpredictable.. can half or double damage randomly
11-10-06 03:01
bahamut: barrier/magic barrier

2 seperate spells.. one halfs physical damage the other halfs magic damage.. can be used multiple times but effects wont stack so you wont do it lol
11-10-06 02:59
bahamut: Sleep

reduce enemy dex to 0 until hit by physical damage once..

only usable once per

all classes
11-10-06 02:54
bahamut: Immobilise

freezes enemy for one round.. only usable once per battle
11-10-06 02:51
armor: Prayer spell. Deals 100 damage(+5 damage for every 10 wisdom). Each round, enemy will receive 50 damage(+5 damage for every 20 wisdom). Can only be casted at the first round. Requirement:100 wisdom, for any class. Non-elemental .
11-09-10 01:27
cyclop: (Lion Rawr) - level down strenght & Wisdom from anemy. (16%) Requirement: level 45 Wisdom: (25) class: Barbarian
11-09-07 18:54
bladsy: 36/38
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