Ideas » Spell ideas
kiros: focus.. like bloodlust but for magic damage but for it to work properly druids should be able to choose between having physical attacks on or off so they can cast 6 spells instead of 3 spell 3 attack.. they are spell casters after all and dex an physical damage should be a priority to them at all
11-09-04 18:13
kiros: confuse spell.. give it to all clases makes enemy attack itself the round its cast in and is worked out by highest wisdom so if you cast the spell with 100wis someone with 99 or less will be effected by it.. only able to be used in one round
11-09-04 18:07
kiros: sure add break thatll even it out lmao.. why dont they make a barb spell called 'i win' does prettymuch what youd expect lol.. how about adding a blindness spell that has a % chance of working then if hits makes all physical attacks 90% chance of missing..
11-08-30 11:21
maharanyoz: Add spell armor break for barbarian.. -100 or -250 Armor for emeny
11-08-28 08:11
armor: Just want to suggest the "reflect spell" : reflects some of enemy's physical and/or magical damage. For druid and paladin, the base percentage will be 10%. For druid, +1% for every 15 wisdom added because they concentrate on wisdom. For paladin, +1% for every 10 wisdom added. For necro, the base would be 15% and for every 10 wisdom, +1% for the reflect spell. I think barbarians must not be given with this spell coz they're really strong. And i also suggest that this spell can only be casted in only one round but it will reflect the damage from the round it is casted up to the end of the battle.
11-08-23 14:11
idiot_terror: Post your ideas here. Just to make this forum category clean :).
11-08-21 22:12
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