Ideas » Spell ideas
kogure: Wizard Mastery/Magic Mastery
Increases your magic spell damage
Class: Air
Value: 20% (up to 75% max)
Mana Required: 100

Class: Druid
Level: 80 (Put it in Conflux Town)
Wisdom: 500 :)
15-11-24 03:33
telon78: New spell blazt punch cllass:diabo lvl125 damage (650-760
15-11-10 12:02
sakecin: example, 1 turn, player use that spell,
player hit enemy, xxx damage.
Enemy use fire ball, xxx damage.
Player use fire ball, xxx damage.

Or maybe give spell chance, xx% chance to copy enemy spell 1 turn and or give some side effect
15-08-09 16:08
sakecin: idk this has posted or not, spell 4 druid,

eye of mirror > copy the enemy skill for that turn only. lv, mana and wisdom required is up 2 u. maybe lv 50+, 100+ mana and 50+ wis.
15-08-09 16:00
cash_spell: new spell for Necromancer
Job : Necromancer
Lvl : 90
Name : Dark Power
Efek : Improve selft damage 250% and reduk enemy Dexterixi 50% (up to 75%) give status selft Frenzzy 30% duration 2 turn
MP : 350
REQ : Necromancer/can't use by DA if not use statt Necromancer Mode
15-08-05 20:02
cash_spell: new spell for druid
Name : Wizard Master
Efek : Impro all spell damage 200% and give status ingore resistand target 50% for 2 turn
MP : 350
Elemental : Air 100%
15-08-05 19:55
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