Ideas » Spell ideas
bahamut: Protect

increases armor count by exact amount of points as current lvl..
11-10-06 03:05
bahamut: Shell

Adds magic amor count equal to current lvl
11-10-06 03:06
bahamut: death blow

halfs dex but adds double removed dex to strength.. last round only
11-10-06 03:08
bahamut: exit

allows you to port straight to your starting village.. there will be no return port but you also wont take defeat (or win) any battles..
11-10-06 03:14
bahamut: Blink

doubles evade rate..
palladins only
11-10-06 03:17
bahamut: white wind

heals by same amount as current hp
11-10-06 03:19
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