Ideas » Spell ideas
bahamut: lvl7 death

only hits on people whos lvl is a multiple of 7.. (7 14 21 28 35ect) effect is instant k.o.. all classes.. 200mana cost
11-10-06 03:21
bahamut: ????

does damage equal to the difference between current and max hp.. so if hp 10/100 dam done = 90
11-10-06 03:23
bahamut: gravity

does damage equal to 10% of current hp

every 5 wisdom adds an extra 1%..
11-10-06 03:25
bahamut: illution

caster creates 2 false images of himself.. all attacks have only 1 in 3 chance of hitting the caster
11-10-06 03:28
sircritalot: Intuition
gives 65% chance to miss physical damage but reduces your armor! For barb only.
11-10-10 13:57
heroroy12: Meteor Destruction

It will do the enemy's level times your level.
Any class can use ut at level 50. It takes 200 Mana to use
11-10-19 06:38
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