chops: good idea muttly
11-08-27 05:23
muttleyaxe: Hmm. Wonder if theres a way dreamer could set it like mp auction bids as far as bets. Just a thought.
11-08-27 05:07
chops: i didnt hear of it teeta . and could care less. trying to add some fun if thats ok with you. so im get working on it.
11-08-24 16:11
teeta: You are just regurgitating what vaf did a while back, that's all.
11-08-24 07:51
chops: if i can get enof intrest in this idea. i will set it up. be like this sins of saints vs chops. noway at our lvls we can battle except in arena. but sins will beat me. question is by how much. lets say to win he must best chops by 100 damage pts. so we battle. sins damage is 399 chops damage is 300. even tho the game gives victory to sins. he lost.
11-08-24 02:21
chops: it will be fun. server 1 is going nowhere. so im trying to add some excitement. and even the playing field for all of us.
11-08-24 02:06