Ideas » Auto Refresh feature
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valador: Or in a town waitin on a spell or item in shop
11-09-03 19:36
valador: Yes make it adjustable in settings.have chat and mp setting and a world setting is mainly for when your waitin on stamina or pets.
11-09-03 19:36
lightning: It wouldnt be bad if you could adjust the time . When the game started it had auto refresh on the chat . It was to fast tho . You could never read all of it because it was way to fast
11-09-02 02:07
abradab: Yeah that would be useful but only on the main chat and marketplace I think... Its not needed anywhere else I think
11-09-01 16:19
valador: Hi.what are your thoughts on auto refresh bein added to the game and be able to adjust the speed of the refresh?
11-09-01 05:39
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