Ideas » Unique spell set for each char class
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ice: Aye, easy said than done. Perhaps you can give a resolution rather than conclusion.
11-09-10 19:51
perseus04: i like the idea of having set of spells for fighting specific class, but as you had said a diff enemy may attack you. So if theres a specific set of spells, then the surprise of attacking is gone in pvp. With unique spell set, this will only give a more dominating class here.
11-09-04 08:16
ashe: I like that idea like a necromancer have mage wrath and soul grip non elemental its a 50 cr chr and us druids and barbs are way morr powerful
11-09-04 01:38
smily: I wOuld be more interesting...
11-09-04 01:21
el_sicario: I think we should be able to have different spell sets for each class. Some time you have a spell set designed to counter a druid, but a barbarian sneaks up on you and atacks, making the spell set useless. I think that would even out pvp a little
11-09-04 01:16
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