Ideas » arm wrestling
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dr-pain: There should be a special arena where you fight... But your equepment means nothing. What I'm saying is that there should a place where you only battle with you base stats and no items what so ever. This should be a nice feature to this game
11-09-05 03:29
el_sicario: That's retarded
11-09-07 17:20
ice: Non sense :D
11-09-10 19:47
strider: Good idea
11-09-11 12:44
lightning: Yeah . Lets have an area where we can all go slap each other silly . That would seperate the men from the boys
11-09-12 06:10
teeta: I like the idea of naked slap fights... Then only your base stats will count, not expensive gear.
11-09-12 07:39
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