lightning: Im going to hold you to that terror
11-09-07 05:19
idiot_terror: You're goin to see succubus, sylvan dragons, power titans, etc. [SOON]
11-09-07 04:05
lzrdking: Because while they doin server im maken a real char here one that can with focus take me to level 125 between me and my dragon i/We are godlike in a battle roflmao really there is an ancient saying he who chases 2 rabbits catches none lol and really thats why i do one char one server .
11-09-06 12:51
el_sicario: Server2 will be getting new more challenging areas. Why not join server2?
11-09-05 22:28
lzrdking: A new area with a town 4 level 75 and up. Mayb with wooly mamoths or high dex saber tooth cats. I have killed every unit game has and would like a new challenge. That is not to say ace ancient or ghost behemoths are not challengeing they R. But a new area or 2 would greatly add to game. A level 75 an up town is badly needed where shop sells only rejuv pots. I do believe that lower level plars need new areas to but under 75 they still have new places as they level up . Thanx LZRD
11-09-05 07:45
Pahina: 1/1