Ideas » Market watch
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valador: How about a market watch feature for premium users that sends you a email alert and mail here when a desired item hits market
11-09-05 12:34
dr-pain: That's not a bad idead but it but if you think about it, it makes no sense to be put on at all. The items stay in the market for 24 hours until they go back to the owner so don't you think that you will find time to press search in those 24 hours??
11-09-06 01:25
valador: Depends on the stamina ever see how long they last in mp?
11-09-08 20:36
bahamut: this feature would be great.. it wud mean that if i wanted rubys or topaz everytime there put in i would get a message.. most the time they have 24hours like you say but the ones with set prices go in no time at all..
11-09-09 13:18
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