sins-of-a-saint: I also think newbies should be given a "welcome" package that only is given when they register by clicking on a referal link. Nothing spectacular, perhaps a magic scroll, a couple of jewels, and 20 credits.
We all know that newbies will waste whatever you give them anyway.. However.. if you never heard of this game and someone said to you.. register with THIS link and you get extra goodies.. wouldn't you be more enticed to play?
11-09-13 02:41
judgement1: Credits motivate everyone dreamer..whether they can buy them or for the ones who cant. Requirements would be invited player has to complete tuturial that you have in place now. That guarantees the player reaches level 10 and has a good grasp on game play. I agree every person should be rewarded whether u have 1 invite or 50. Thats what makes the game grow. Perhaps a prize list for the top # of sucessful inviters to choose their own reward. Credits, gear item, premium account..etc... Just my thoughts
11-09-13 02:25
aladin: ps: sms system sounds good....if its for free!!!
11-09-13 01:13
aladin: just my point of view...what if lets just say someone has a very visited site, plays here and after dreamer add invitation system, he decides to advertise with his refferal link this game? Everything so cool till this point. But just imagine he can refer 100 active players monthly. this will make him top 1 for years and years again (depending how much game will last). so what im saying? why not just reward everyone equal, and make the badge mammut recomended for lets say top 5
11-09-13 01:12
asylem: I think an sms system would be good as well. What if, the top player each month receives a legendary item that only they have for maybe 6 months. After that all players can find recipe for that item. All other ppl who invite, from 2nd place down can receives the credits
11-09-12 23:18
smily: i invited 4 ppl from others chats and they left those chats to come here i also think u guys shOuld give awards

but i just dont know how can u guys know when ppl are cheating or not
11-09-12 23:02